Do you ever struggle with who you are? Well I do! I am going to be transparent here and tell you that over the last couple months I struggled with my appearance, my parenting, and my baking. I went back and forth a lot in my head. Some people didn’t like me, and I am a people pleaser so this really challenged me. I wanted to make sure everything I was doing in my life was for a reason. That God’s plan was bigger than my doubt and my fear. I don’t know about you, but I have a select few people besides my husband that I seek out for advice. One of my friends had been praying for me and she simply said, “Just be YOU, that’s all you can do!”
That really resonated with me. Simply be myself. I feel like we all want to be loved and accepted for who we are. We are all struggling in some way. I know not everyone is going to like me but the truth is, if you are nice to me I’ll be nice to you. I don’t care if you are the pretty or funny looking; I don’t care if you are homeless or rich, funny or boring, thin or fat, gay or straight, black or white, homecoming king or biggest outcast, the it-girl or the never it-girl. If you are nice to me I’ll be nice to you. My point of this is, just be YOU! You are made in God’s image. Put faith in His plan for your life.
I tell my children, “No matter how nice you are, someone is not going to like you.” It’s funny because I never thought as an adult I would be giving myself that same advice. It really is true though. Time is short—too short to be trying to be anything but yourself. Try to change the way you see people, especially when they don’t like you. You can only control how you react.
Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength and ever-present help in trouble.
We teach people how to treat us. Be so kind and genuine that if anyone hears something about you, they won’t believe it. Show people Grace like Jesus would. Your kindness will come back and bless you. Make sure your words and actions are glorifying God and you will be right with the Lord.
I want to look at my life and see God’s love. I want people to just know I am a Christian without even telling them.
I take comfort in God’s faithfulness. JUST BE YOU, that’s all you can do!!!! YOU ARE ENOUGH!
My talented friend Johannah Chadwick always takes the real and candid photos. They are always my favorite 🙂
Photographs by Johannah Chadwick Photography
Beautiful Keep necklace worn in photos from Julianna North
God is our refuge and strength Tee shirt and buttons from Walk In Love